Hope Village is designed to be a place of community for orphaned and volunerable children and the local villagers. It is being built on 60 acres donated by the local villagers.
It includes a Healthcare Dispensary, Vocational schools and dormatories, a pre-primary school, a multi-purpose hall with kitchen, and housing for orphaned and vulnerable children.
Hope Village Tour
This video gives a tour of the complete Hope Village plan that was created from the vision of caring for orphaned and vulnerable children. Hope Village will be a place of
community for children and local villagers. It will provide educational opportunities leading to gainful employment. It is providing healthcare that is increasing the
wellbeing of the local people and children. In 2023, the first orphan care duplex will open its doors to 24 orphaned or vulnerable children providing them a home. Watch this
short video to learn more about the Hope Village vision and plan.
Hope Village Overview
Hope Village Rotary Dispensary
The Hope Village Rotary Dispensary provides healthcare for the underserved villages in the Lutukira area of the Madaba District. Songea's Kids and Hope Village
Organization built the Rotary Dispensary with a generous donation from the Sammamish Rotary. The Sammamish Rotary, along with the Emerald City Rotary and the
DesMoines/Normandy Park Rotary in the Seattle area provided the medicines that are essential to the delivery of quality health care services. Donations from generous
individuals provided the equipment and furnishings for the Dispensary. The Rotary Dispensary is now providing healthcare for more than 1000 orphan and vulnerable
children and the local community each year who previously lacked access to quality health care.
Hope Village Rotary Dispensary Tour
The Hope Village Rotary Dispensary is open providing healthcare for the Lutukira area of the Madaba District. Songea's Kids and Hope Village Organization built the Rotary Dispensary
with a generous donation from the Rotary. The Rotary Dispensary is providing healthcare for orphan and vulnerable children and the local community. It addresses
access issues that has afflicted this area.
Rotary Dispensary − Opening Day
Nearly 200 excited villagers attended opening day. Hope Village Organization medical staff provided medical screening and care to those in need. This dispensary is having
an enormous impact on the lives of villagers in the area. The facility is fully equipped with a professional staff and pharmacy to provide complete care. The facility
includes a birthing center which will have a significant impact in reducing maternal and child mortality in the region. Many thanks to all who contributed to make this
a reality.
Hope Village Orphan Housing
Hope Village Orphan Child Care Complex
The Hope Village Orphan Child Care Complex is a key part of the Hope Village vision. It will provide a home for orphaned and vulnerable children who have no one to care for them.
Children are first placed with close relatives who can provide a foster home. If there are no close relatives, then residential care in a group facility is necessary. According to
the Madaba District Council, there are nearly 500 children who need residential care. Hope Village will provide for these children with the Orphan Child Care Complex. There will be 10
single units that will house 12 children and one matron to care for them. There will be 3 duplex unit that will house 24 children and 2 matrons. When completed, the Complex will be
a home to 192 children.
Please look for opportunities to sponsor an orphaned or vulnerable child.
Duplex Housing Unit
We have begun construction on 2 duplex units (units 1 and 2). The first one will be completed in early 2023 and the second in late 2023. Below is an architectural
rendering of a duplex unit, and pictures from the nearly completed first duplex. This duplex is slated to open this year, and will be home to 24 orphans and vulnerable children.
Architectural Plan Rendering of Duplex UnitNear finished Duplex UnitNear finished Duplex Unit veranda
Hope Village Schools
Hope Village Education Complex
The Hope Village Education Complex will have a pre-primary school and multiple vocational schoools. There will be domatories to house students from out of the area. The vocational
schools will provide training in masonry, carpentry, tailoring, agriculture, and computer skills. Vocational training was a key request by the local villagers to bring economic
opportunity to their community. Songea's Kids philosophy is to build a path to prosperity through education and skills training. These vocational school will help build the path
for many generations.
The Masonry School has been complete and the first class will graduate in 2023. Many will be employed building Hope Village. Please look for opportunities to build the next
vocational school.
Masonry School
This video is about the Masonry Classroom that was completed in 2021. It is now opened with a class of 6 local villagers enrolled, 4 male and 2 female. The Hope Village
Masonry Vocational Training Program is a two-year certificate program that teaches the knowledge and skills for a successful career in masonry and construction. There is
classroom study and practical work exercises for hands on experience. The students are using their skills to help build Orphan Houses. The current class will complete
their certificate training in 2023 with marketable skills. Education is key to lifting children and villagers out of poverty. Please help build more vocational schools.
Please help build more vocational schools.